Travis Trium Perfectum is a concept and detail-driven artist that uses his writings and poetry to create mood-inducing experiences through visuals and sound. His art first emerged within the first decade of the 21st century through a musical entity. After spending the better part of decade on this project, Travis began feeling held back and stifled creatively within the music industry and chose to move on.
Pulling away from what was his identity as an artist for so long, Travis felt almost resurrected. “At one point in time I woke up in the midst of writing my band’s third record and felt my hands being tied. Tied to the point where I couldn’t quench my thirst as an artist and I found this unacceptable and completely unsatisfying,” Travis explained. He was battling depression for the better part of three years and was forcing himself to create under that mindset to try to capture a particular mood that may never be again. “I wrote a dark and dreary record that probably won’t ever see the light of day, but it wasn’t really meant for light anyway. I then began writing with no direction and in a way that I knew wouldn’t be placed in any musical composition. No place to put it, no place to be. It felt so free and so genuine. To see people begin to appreciate my words and writings for just what they were felt so right. I never viewed myself as a poet or a writer in the sense that many view them, but this was a means for me to try to create in a very, very raw way. I have always let my art dictate to me where it was supposed to go and put me where I should be. People began to care about my work and I knew I was doing something interesting, dangerous and most important of all, fulfilling.”
Inspired by the challenge of creating pieces that further explain the human condition, Travis became obsessed with words. “The unspoken for instances and feelings within the human mind are something I want to try to speak for. I have always reveled in the challenge of being able to create and hopefully explain the unlimited amount of feelings with a limited amount of words. I get a lot out of that, personally and creatively alike.” Driven by philosophy, blasphemy and a deep love for conceptual continuity, Travis always attempts to deliver his work in its most raw and unrelenting states. Never straying from personal experiences with a unique perspective that he continually injects into his work. Dark analogies and concepts always littered along a path that the reader seems to stumble down almost reluctantly. Travis’ work has quickly garnered attention due to his unique vision, tone, contrast and style. This also led to him being described as a visual poet.
After some time focusing and sharpening his craft Travis gained respect of peers, galleries and was ultimately invited to host his first solo exhibition. Displaying and translating poetry in such a unique way almost breathed new life into a very black and white medium. In 2021, Travis then began expanding his mixed-medium based creations even further. Growing a bit tired in the rigid planning of many of his conceptual works, he sat down and began drawing again. This is a passion that was almost buried behind the many faces he has chosen to wear. The attraction to charcoal was to make a mess without intention and let the shapes dictate what they would be. After only six months in the medium, Travis’ 2021 solo exhibition, Like Foreplay to Annihilation, heavily featured these charcoal drawings garnering praise from viewers and art critics alike.
From musical compositions to filmmaking and from writing to spoken word performance-based art, Travis Trium Perfectum has always taken a lot of pride in the wide creative spectrum he seems to call home. “It feels amazing to be in the place I am as an artist to have the freedom to wake up and create what I want in that moment, in whatever medium I deem fit. I take a lot of responsibility in capturing fleeting moments and translating them in my work. I feel a pleasurable burden as an artist to capture these moods through writing, drawing, video, musical composition or in full combination.” IAMUNLIKEYOU is the tree he will now call home where the many branches of his work can continue to grow always clawing towards the heavenless skies.