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Pastel Drawing

Humanity’s Last Morsel

Humanity's Last Morsel Charcoal & pastel on 18 x 24″ 140lb watercolor paper – Available 16 x 20″ Fine Art Print – Available There will come a time when when there is only one morsel of good left and it will be devoured. We see this in ourselves and we see it in others. The world will not let you escape with it intact and acknowledging that creates an outlook that may be less than pleasant, but it is honest and that's worth something....

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God Has Rights to My Innards

God Has Rights to My Innards Charcoal, pastel & writing on aged paper on 9 x 12″ 140lb watercolor paper – SOLD 11 x 14″ Fine Art Print – Available Here The realization of being owned by a god isn't beautiful at all. The ultimate act of rebellion is making sure he has to clean up your mess upon expiration. There, that's much more beautiful....

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Observation Hour Over Desolation

Observation Hour Over Desolation Charcoal & pastel on 18 x 24″ 140lb watercolor paper - SOLD 16 x 20" Fine Art Print - Available Here A floating entity appears over a strange line cutting through the red haze revealing the desolation below. Within the desolation you'll find a green bit of life. Is this final strand of life that is yet to die from a once vibrant world? Or is it something blooming with a possible hope in a future dimension? The being also acted as the guide in the I Saw A Hellscape video installation experience from the exhibition,......

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The Final Sunrise in the Doorway of Extinction

The Final Sunrise in the Doorway of Extinction Charcoal, pastel, aged paper & writing on 18 x 24″ 140lb watercolor paper - Original Matted and Framed in 24 x 36" Frame Contact me if interested 16 x 20" Fine Art Print - Available “I saw a hellscape. When the door opened, I watched my world end.” What does it mean to observe the inevitable? To see harm being done and realize it won't be stopped. The prescription seems to only be annihilation and as humans, we are well-versed. This is the face of acknowledgement of what is to come as......

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Losing Faith in the Face Garden

Losing Faith in the Face Garden Charcoal, pastel, aged paper & writing on 18 x 24″ 140lb watercolor paper - Sold 16 x 20" Fine Art Print - Available "My good thoughts drift away like my prayers to nowhere." You begin to lose hope in the ultimate blind agreement. You cultivate your friends' pasts as they remind you of the terrible things they went through as all of their prayers went unanswered as well. You wonder who you have been talking to all these years? You wave goodbye as you wonder if there was another way....

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☰ © 2025 IAMUNLIKEYOU - The Artwork of Travis Trium Perfectum ▴ All works created by Travis Trium Perfectum ▴ All Rights Reserved ☰