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Travis Trium Perfectum

Emotional Amputation Haze

Emotional Amputation Haze Charcoal & pastel on 9 x 12″ 140lb watercolor paper – Available at upcoming tour dates 11 x 14″ Archival Art Print – Available Here The moment has arrived to cutoff the emotion that's cutting you. To make a decision to never feel such a way again, it must be dismembered. This is the aura, this haze is what's left.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...

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I Saw A Hellscape – Immersive Video Installation Premieres

What captivated Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania last fall at Technicolor Hellscape is now available to be experienced online. This installation is a very ambitious concept mixing a multitude of mediums creating a visual and auditory occurrence. Three video sources help to open the hellscape with monitors, projector and a physical sacrifice plate creating a unique composition with various ways to witness the nightmarish expedition. The amount of time I had in this video installation was insane. From creating the spoken word musical composition, physical elements, the technical production and of course the nearly nine minute unique video edits on each screen to......

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Lay Waste to Your Memory

Lay Waste to Your Memory Charcoal & original writing on aged paper on 9 x 12″ 140lb watercolor paper – Available at upcoming tour dates “I have waited so long to lay waste to your memory. Amongst the wind, amongst the trees, I live repercussion free. I tried to chase you away, I tried to chase you free, but the trauma path you were on only bled you to me. I must end what I started, focus on the relief or it will just be harder. We know, between you and me, the stars light your final pose. You were......

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You’ll Never Find the Body

You'll Never Find the Body Charcoal on 9 x 12″ 140lb watercolor paper – Available at upcoming tour dates I am a walking shadow that left you to rot. Your story will never be known as I am the only one that could tell it. Replaying it in my mind over and over until I'm raw. I'll always remember that night and your family will never know your last words. I cherish that. Love always, the despicable 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...

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The Unrighteous Path Welcomes Me

The Unrighteous Path Welcomes Me Charcoal & original writing on aged paper on 9 x 12″ 140lb watercolor paper – Available at upcoming tour dates “I want to watch you drift, drift so far from your boundaries. I know your trespasses taste so sweet. I am here. Making my last decision in the shadows of everything that could have been. No one to take my hand, no one to make amends. The path is revealed. Final steps to revelation.” One becomes very, very exhausted trying to protect themselves. This piece speaks to the moment where you weaken, become apathetic and......

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Tranquil Skies Watching the Dismemberment of Children

Tranquil Skies Watching the Dismemberment of Children Charcoal, pastel and aged paper with original writing on 9 x 12" 140lb watercolor paper  – Available at upcoming tour dates 11 x 14″ Archival Art Print – Coming soon The aged paper reads, "The sky is so empty and tranquil, but I did not know it would drop so many bombs. I did not know a hospital needed to be decimated. I did not know these children needed to be taught a lesson. One that dismantles forms, one that makes theocracies cum." The sky can only be a voyeur to our masochistic......

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Interview with Canvas Rebel

I recently sat down with Canvas Rebel to discuss the risk of being an artist and my journey to this point. I get into my process, the way I view the creative experience and why I do what I do. I was pleased with the conversation and feel like I always learn a little more about myself with these questions of introspection. I hope you enjoy this look into who I am and what I do. Read the interview here....

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☰ © 2023 IAMUNLIKEYOU ▴ All works created by Travis Trium Perfectum ▴ All Rights Reserved ☰