“I love leaning up against time, but is this your blood or mine? I want you to lean upon your crimson, soak it up and start again. When will this ever be enough? Learn to devour without throwing up. This world is tainted and hard to ingest. You throw up from your mouth, I throw up from my chest.”

My chest opens wide through my ribcaged-teeth, this is where I reside. The world feeds me shit I try to forget, throw up just to stay alive. I’m not sure why I fight, to stay alive I mean. I have moments I care and glimpses I dream. Probable-premonitions of what will come to be. I am but a shape through another shape you see. I am creating a space and it’s hardly safe. A place where an enemy of this world can grow, play a spinal-minor-chord and allow my thoughts to walk a vertebrate staircase. Poisoned breadcrumbs, leaving bodies along my path. I know you’ll search me out and I want your figure laying last. I want it curled next to my door, a beautiful reminder I’m on the right path. This is every second of every day for something like me. Fighting to stay alive in a world that teaches to regret taking knowledge from a tree.

Art Photography Poetry Writing Piece

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