“I write in pen so I can’t erase the ugly lines. The letters so powerless and thin, but within the words they are the vertebrates to the spine. I’m not sure what’s important to the world, in fact I never really cared. What I do know is when you run your eyes down the spine of my work you’ll never be spared.”
I have always chose to write in pen. It makes it more important. It makes each line in every letter a valuable movement towards a word and towards a line. Towards capturing an idea that you only have one chance in harnessing. I often wonder if I’m the only one who thinks this way? When I look around, I think I might be. There’s something valuable in the danger of not being able to erase the ugly lines. Letters so harmless on their own, just vertebrates often herniated in my handwriting. When stacked they create a backbone that the author must have to allow for an unfiltered and unedited life-sentence-spine that will outlive the mind of its creator. Every line immortal. Every thought immoral. As I sat down to write this piece, I wanted to allow this thought to bloom all at once. To start and finish with zero drafts, one take. To capture a moment in its pure and unaltered state is to record the height of consciousness. To me, that is art. I surround myself in my ideas, thought fragments and inspirations. I had rope lying next to me for some time now and I started staring at it after I wrote this piece. I made a connection of how letters are harmless and meaningless until stacked into words and sentences. The same could be said of this rope, harmless until stacked and wrapped a certain way. I started tying a hangman’s noose slowly so my mind could visualize the moment when this inanimate object became dangerous. Such a fine, fine line. In that moment, and I understand this may be completely impossible to describe or explain, but in that moment I know what the fuck I am and why what I do is so important. The artist brings danger to the tools that much of the world uses. There are consequences to being something like me and sometimes they’re beautiful. This piece is just one of those consequences and this week I wanted to share my full process with all of you.