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The Last Blue Sky

The Last Blue Sky Charcoal & pastel on 18 x 24″ 140lb watercolor paper – Available 16 x 20″ Fine Art Print – Available The perpetual movement towards the end is something most dogmas lust over. They desire destruction and will certainly get it as that's all they have ever known or taught. One day we will wake up to the last blue sky and we won't even know it. Like a fairytale uttered underneath the smoke, ash and charred flesh. This entity is mocking a prophet and delivering a warning during that last day before a new routine of......

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God Has Rights to My Innards

God Has Rights to My Innards Charcoal, pastel & writing on aged paper on 9 x 12″ 140lb watercolor paper – SOLD 11 x 14″ Fine Art Print – Available Here The realization of being owned by a god isn't beautiful at all. The ultimate act of rebellion is making sure he has to clean up your mess upon expiration. There, that's much more beautiful....

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Succumb To

Succumb To Charcoal, Aged Paper & Pastel on 18 x 24″ 140lb watercolor paper Sold - This was a very personal and rare commissioned piece I created for a friend The swirling blacks and colors tighten to form a keyhole of sorts, representing a final doorway or passage. The aged paper reads "And isn't death the sweetest kiss of all. One that we must succumb to, one that's without end."...

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The Lost Color of Empathy

The Lost Color of Empathy Charcoal, Aged Paper & Pastel on 18 x 24″ 140lb watercolor paper Currently available here Faced with a foreign color, this entity begins to feel life in its gaze. This color is empathy and fairly unrecognizable. (The words on the aged paper read "Settled within a lost recollection is the lapsed color of empathy.")...

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The Fathers of Undoing: A Visitation

The Fathers of Undoing: A Visitation is a video installation mixing a multitude of mediums creating a visual and auditory experience. A chaotic tandem of three video sources combined with a spoken word musical composition and a hanging tapestry spilling to the floor make up this unique piece. Comprised of three 4k monitors granting the visitation and bringing to life three charcoal pieces (Prognostication of Susceptibility, Conception of Esoteric Undoing and The Third Time’s a Harm). This work definitely borders on new ground pushing the original physical works beyond their identity making this a bizarre innovation. “The idea that art......

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☰ © 2025 IAMUNLIKEYOU - The Artwork of Travis Trium Perfectum ▴ All works created by Travis Trium Perfectum ▴ All Rights Reserved ☰